blog1I’m a Huge Foodie and I Love to try new restaurants and re-create those recipes. I’m sort of “Known” for it around my house and this Blog is going take those favorite meals I’ve experienced while on the road and re-create them with my own recipes for you to try at home.

One thing we all know as travelers is the first thing you do when you arrive in a new town is “Go out to Eat”. We get settled into our apartment, sort of take a quick look at things then head out the door either to find a grocery store or a restaurant. Food is the First thing that’s on your mind after you arrive at your destination. Whether you want it or not, those cupboards and that fridge are bare!

I’ve been to small towns, large cities, to the North, to the South, East and West Coast and Food has defined each destination in some form. Ahhhh…Memphis. I Worked in Conway Arkansas not far Memphis and I loved the people I worked with. Nicest People On Earth! (Can’t hang around them too long, I do enjoy a crabby day every once in awhile). But what I remembered most was the trip to Memphis to eat at Rendezvous on my day off! I will certainly blog and re-create the food from that visit!

I never forget a great meal and I’m Super excited to Re-live all of those amazing places again through this blog. You can expect a Photographic Food Journal on the First Monday of every month with links to the restaurants, and my recipes cooked and photographed.
The First Official Blog will be Monday April 6th!

I hope you all Enjoy!!!!
